Bed alignment & NORTHWEST sector influence
Every year the Labor Day long weekend reminds me about a ring & cry through painful memories over a sudden loss of our family friend. He was a wonderful husband, dad, brother, son, inspiring role model to all his friends & colleagues. There were no alarming signals, alerts, warnings or hints as this incident all happened so quick & fast during a tedious trekking trip. An unacceptable happening that had no words of justification to console a heart broken wife, mother, brothers & close knit friends. The best of his memories, ever inspiring smile, encouraging words of wisdom & optimistic attitude are still shining strong on his family & friends helping them cope with his loss and are always making sure they move ahead in their life with a positive outlook. I have heard/read more about many such heart breaking instances after this incident. Dear family & friends today being Sep 11th, calls for additional emphasis to take a closer look at your house for the following alignment: Classical feng shui outlines that · any house that has a kitchen, fireplace or water heater located in the northwest are considered severe problems and cause loss for the man, such as loss of job, loss of money, bankruptcy or loss of life such as from cancer or heart attack · any bed that is lined up directly opposite the door can create a serious loss · any master bedrooms where the foot of the bed points toward a tub, toilet or sink in the bathroom have a legacy of cancer and death Check your northwest sector in the house, your bed alignment and please take precautionary measures immediately with any feng shui consultant. I was three days away from looking into their floor plan to get a glimpse for any feng shui house flaws. Wish I had learned classical feng shui earlier and had a magic wand to go back on time 4 years back to make the remedy that would have made a world of difference in my best friends life. But all I do now is to pray every night for booster shot to give her brave heart and positive thoughts as and when she needs a refill. A special word of thanks to my friend for allowing me to publish this article with a reference & helping me convey this month’s feng shui message. Rise, Resculpt & Restore your bed alignment/northwest sector with feng shui Sridevi Thyagarajan