“Drains” and its effect in your life.

In Feng Shui, the meaning of “drains” is exactly what it sounds and it refers to the draining of your Wealth, Health, Relationships or Career. Below is one such experience related to health drain. As I was returning back home from Florida tired but rejuvenated from my Feng Shui Business Reunion, can you guess the seat I got in the plane with 3 others..... it was the last seat in the plane with a toilet right behind it. Did you guess it right? Knowing the consequences I requested the flight attendant to switch me to another seat, but the flight was fully booked and there was no other alternate. It was a horrible experience that I have ever undergone, with the noisy toilet being flushed and the sink water being drained for over two hours without a break. As the plane landed in Virginia, believe me you would have never seen my face lit up so bright in my life. Before I stepped out of the plane I did not forget to thank the flight attendant. Are you wondering why? Well it’s because she saved me hearing the flushing & water draining sounds few minutes, since she sent back at least 20 people not to use the rest room and to head back to their seats. When I came back home all trouble started one after another with a severe head, neck, back ache followed by feverish chills. Felt so exhausted that I could hardly move and it took 2 full days to recover from this. Imagine a two hour journey takes two days to recover, how much energy you might be unknowingly draining in your life if this practical Feng Shui remained unfold.
Here are few things to check if you feel drained and exhausted when you wake in the morning
Do not sit or sleep with a drain behind you
Do not have a bed facing a bathroom drain
Do not have a bathroom in a room without a door; install either a screen, curtain or even better a door
If you have a Bathroom in the east (health) corner of your home, then enhance east corner of your living room with
Healthy floral arrangement or art depicting vibrant flowers
Photos of family, friends or representing perfect health
Items in wood and the colors of blues, greens, or black
If you like this tip you may also like to sign up for my free "52 weeks to wealth" at www.risingredphoenix.com, do not delay it starts soon.
Rise, Resculpt & Restore your life with Feng Shui