Session 3
This is the intro for Session 3 detail in Rising Red Phoenix. An EZ Feng Shui assessment will consist of a basic analysis of your home and is a great way to get started with the basics of Feng Shui. You will not need to provide a floor plan for a basic assessment. However, a floor plan is advised for better results.

Infant/Baby Room Assessment
Balancing the colors, lighting, materials and choosing the correct bed placement using feng shui in a infants bedroom/playroom will help nourish/strengthen a healthy, inspiring, enhanced, positive baby growth and development.
Evaluation covers:
- Precision compass directions with luo pan
- Bedroom/Playroom direction analysis
- Personal feng shui analysis for bed position & placement
- Personal chinese zodiac
- Paint colors for the wall/curtain/bedding/rugs
- Furniture, accessories and images used
- Electronic usage position and placement
- Symbolic feng shui usage & placement
* Check pricing note below for additional charges
Remote/In-Person Consultation : $500/hr

Buying Home Assessment
Most of the important moments in our lives occur in our houses, the house itself becomes more than just four walls that’s why careful consideration is called for if you are thinking about purchasing home. It comes down to two things: the tangible and the intangible. The tangible items include price, location, size etc. The intangible includes considerations such as location on a street, how the home is situated on the lot, its location to other buildings or homes, how the home flows inside, and situations such as whether the former occupants were ill, in financial trouble, etc. These are the types of considerations that are taken into account when you want to assess the Feng Shui of a home.
* Check pricing note below for additional charges
Remote/In-Person Consultation : $500/hr

Selling Home Assessment
Marketing a house is always a challenge and just like inoculations, homeowners usually want to get the sale over as quickly as possible. Feng Shui helps your house sell faster.
* Check pricing note below for additional charges
Remote/In-Person Consultation : $500/hr

Note on Pricing:

Additional fees may apply based on the square feet evaluation beyond 2500 sq.feet, multiple levels, more than 4 people
Check for additional pricing if you require an add-on detailed written report. A post Feng Shui consultation report will be mailed to you within 7 days of your report request. The report will contain a detailed analysis of all aspects of the interior and exterior of your home and will focus on your main goals and concerns.
Payment: 100% of the fee will be due when you send in your floor plan and Consultation Request Form
What to provide prior to your consultation or assessment:
Floor Plan – Required for any Consultation
Photos - Required for Off-Site Phone Consultation
You will need to send a minimum of 6-8 photos of your home. Please see Consultation Request Form.
How do you get started with a Feng Shui consultation ?
Gather all information requested by Sridevi
Pay for your consultation. Appointments will not be scheduled unless a payment has been submitted
Notify your payment and your contact by email id or phone number(s) to Sridevi
Once payment is received, you will receive an call/email with available time slot for consultation. Select the time and then you will be on your way to be Feng Shui compliant.
Refer 3 friends and earn your free Feng Shui Consultation. Additional discounts apply for family/friends.