Feng Shui is not a religion nor is it a superstitious set of beliefs. It’s a powerful way of making a positive change to improve the energy of any surrounding. It is an ancient 5000 year old Chinese art or science of placement and is often referred to as "acupuncture for your home".
Feng Shui clears obstacles and helps build positive “chi” or energy to your surroundings to bring happiness, prosperity, good health, balance and harmony to your home and life.
Chinese metaphysics outlines that there are three cosmic factors :
Heaven Luck
Earth Luck
Man Luck
Earth Luck refers to the factors that are represented by our living and natural environment. Feng Shui deals with Earth Luck and helps us conquer our Destiny.
The listing below helps compare what good and bad Feng Shui environments bring to you and your family:

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Feng Shui
Who Does Feng Shui Benefit:
Homeowners & Renters
Home Buyers & Sellers
Home Stagers & Decorators
Business Owners & Executives
Real Estate Companies
Increases negative energy at home/workplace
Partners lose respect for each other, frequent disagreements, divorce
Loss of good friends, influential contacts
Business loss, Job dissatisfaction, fingerpointing, Job loss
Adds debts, leads to financial drains & bankruptcy
Causes bad luck/misfortune
Children struggle with bad grades
Increases accidents, injury, illness, stress, depression, fatigue
Obstructs conception, causes frequent miscarriages
Makes it difficult to sell property
Raises positive energy in home/workplace
Ignites your love & married life
Increases business/social relationships
Attracts good opportunities & prosperity
Multiplies sales, income and investment portfolio
Increases personal luck/good fortune
Improves scholastic luck for children
Paves way to a healthy, stress-free, peaceful, energetic life
Improves fertility and conceive a baby
List & sell property faster
All sessions must be done face-to-face to ensure the most accurate results. Please contact us for any personal queries